Robert Watson

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Robert Watson (1855-1921) was born Robert William Watson on   March 9, 1855 at 33 Marlborough Place, Brighton, Sussex, England.
The Watson family was three generations of artists influenced by Rosa Bonheur a French animalière, realist artist and Sir Edwin Landseer an English painter and sculptor well for his paintings of animals.  
In the year 1880, Robert married Alice Ashcroft  in Aughton, Lancashire, England.  He was known for painting huge estate sized paintings for the wealthy English country homes that he regularly frequented.   
Animal portraiture was well paid and any artist specializing in this genre could expect a good constant supply of work and a steady income. This was the case with Robert who was able to afford servants and lived in large house in the affluent area of Birkenhead.  The appeal of these paintings crossed class boundaries their works were common in upper middle-class homes, and also popular with the aristocracy.
Queen Victoria who fell in love with the scenery of the Scottish Highlands commissioned numerous paintings from Robert and his family of artist.  Robert Watson's works can be found at the Williamson Art Gallery, Birkenhead,  Burnley Town Hall,  Astley Hall Museum and Art Gallery,   Brighton and Hove Museums and Art Galleries,  Gallery Oldham,  Maidstone Museum & Bentlif Art Gallery,   Towneley Hall Art Gallery & Museum - and the collection of the Queen of England.


He died  August 31, 1921 in the Ramsey Cottage Hospital, Ramsey, Isle of Man. Burial Place, Ballaugh, Isle of Man.