Alfred Henry Briggs

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Alfred Henry Briggs (American, 1898-1981) was born in 1898 and died on September 17, 1981. He was educated at the Old Central High School in Buffalo and graduated from the Albright Art School in 1921 (the same year as fellow Buffalo Print Club member, Carlo Nisita). He established the Alfred H. Briggs Art Studio in the Holling Press Building on Washington Street in the 1920’s. During the Depression, he gave up his studio and went to work for the Opco Company, producers of lubricating oil, as an advertising and sales manager. In 1940, he joined the Comstock Company as an advertising production manager and remained an employee there until he retired in 1963. Recognized as an expert in the graphic arts field, he became a member of the Allentown Art Association and helped produce The Allentown News from 1963-1970. Briggs was active with the Buffalo Print Club, doing mostly linocuts and some woodcuts. He married and had three children.