Deborah Stewart

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UPCOMING EXHIBITION: April 26, 2024-May 25, Group exhibition, "Six Pathways", Patti Harris, Marie Hassett, Joyce Hill, Beth Pedersen, Deborah Stewart and Ann Stievater, link.

Deborah Stewart (American, 20th C.-    ) is a sculptor primarily working in clay. Her main interests are the experience of nature and movement and their transformation into clay forms. As a sculptor who has in the past also been a studio potter, a biologist, a modern dancer and choreographer, she interweaves sensibilities from each of these areas into her work. She has a BFA in Ceramics and an MFA in Visual Art/ Sculpture. Her work has been exhibited locally and nationally and is in public and private collections. She has been a resident artist at Buffalo Arts Studio since 1996 and has taught pottery classes there for many years in addition to teaching Ceramics and Three-dimensional design at the college level.

Artist Statement:

  • How does one define a space or a volume?
  • How does one distinguish interior from exterior?
  • How are interior and exterior connected?
  • How does the view of exterior looking in differ from the view of interior looking out?
  • What if you could experience the interior and the exterior at the same time?
  • What would that look like?
  • What would that feel like? 

These are the questions I have been exploring in my current sculpture. The concrete means of this exploration involve using line and surface, both travelling through space. This travelling through space creates an actual or illusionistic volume and requires energy.

These sculptures are about line, surface, space, viewpoint, interior, and exterior—all tied together by energy and movement.

Artist's page at Six Pathways: Deborah Stewart.