Susan Abbott

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Susan Abbott (American, 20th C.-    ) I enjoy creating art - I’ve been creating art since childhood. An art teacher once told me it was doubtful when I told him I was going to be an artist when I grew up… I think I became as artist just to spite him.

Although my favorite medium is oil paint, I also work in pencils (graphite, colored and watercolor), charcoal and pen & ink. I’ve done landscapes, seascapes, still life and trompe l’oeil (French term meaning “fool the eye”). I’ve tried abstract painting but usually end up “neatening” it.

My favorite subject is the one on my easel at any given time. My subjects are eclectic – whatever catches my eye. I work from life and from photos. My best paintings are of subjects I connect to.

So many things to paint, so little time…